- Female, max age 30 years old.
- Good looking also appearance.
- Have a strong sense of marketing communication.
- Have a great analytical thinking and also presentation skill.
- Have knowledge in developing marketing communication strategy, brand awareness and implementation.
- Have a good network or relationship with media wide nation or able to create the relationship.
- Well understanding in English, both verbal and written
- Willing to be placed in KUTA - BALI
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Info Loker buat Area Jakarta Pusat & Barat
BalasHapusDibutuhkan PL (Pemandu Lagu) buat di Karaoke Terbesar dengan gaji 5-20jt/bulan..
Dengan Syarat
- Wanita Usia min 17th
- Punya KTP
- Good Looking
- Bisa kerja malam
BAgi yang dari luar mendapatkan mess / tempat tinggal..
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